Discovering West African batik fabrics

During my recent trip to Benin, I came across something truly special: an atelier where they handcraft African batik fabrics. While batik is commonly produced in West Africa, this particular atelier stands out. They use strong and thick cotton, unlike the thinner fabrics often found elsewhere. This makes their fabric perfect for various applications, such as handmade African bags.


From cotton to masterpiece

What’s truly remarkable about this atelier is that the cotton they use is entirely sourced from Benin itself. This means the fabric is created from start to finish within the country, supporting the local economy and maintaining the authenticity of the material. It was fascinating to witness how a blank piece of cotton is transformed into a vibrant fabric with constantly changing patterns.

Craftsmanship in action

One of the most impressive steps in the process is tying the fabric to create the pattern. This is purely handcrafted and requires a lot of patience and precision. Take a close look at the photo above I took during this process—you can immediately see the amount of care and craftsmanship involved.


New collection of handmade African bags

Excited by what I saw, I brought back four different types of these African batik fabrics. My plan is to create test samples and see which ones best fit our collection. Just imagine how these fabrics could pair with a stylish pair of jeans this winter!

From Benin to your wardrobe

I’m really looking forward to seeing how our customers respond to these fabrics. It’s amazing to share the journey of these beautiful fabrics, from the vibrant ateliers of Benin to your wardrobe. Keep an eye on our website to see which fabrics make the cut and become part of our next collection!

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