The making of our new African handmade bag collection summer 2024

Before our handmade bags hit the stores and appear on the website, there are many steps involved in bringing our new African collection to life.

It all starts with a visit to the market to select the new fabrics, which is an adventure in itself. The market is crowded and warm, but amidst the chaos, I have to choose from hundreds of colors for our new handmade collection haha (especially Chris really enjoys doing this with me, not). I usually select about five new colors – three for the bags and two for the handmade cloths. I also check if our popular colors, which are in high demand, are still in stock.

Mignon maakt een foto van de Etatoua Tas Blauw op het strand

Next, samples are made of each fabric, and an email is sent to our partner stores to gauge their interest in ordering from the new handmade collection. Additionally, we showcase the bags on Instagram and gather feedback to determine how much of each fabric we should produce. And then the real work begins.

Kokou and Abide, our colleagues from Wood & Cricket, start by purchasing leather, cutting fabrics and leather, and making all the products. Meanwhile, I am constantly in touch with our stores and customers via Instagram, sharing updates about our latest handmade collection from Togo, West Africa.

De Etatoua Tas in het blauw hangt aan een paal en is de ideale strandtas

Experiencing the whole process personally is incredibly enjoyable! Unlike many companies that outsource production to countries like India or China, I am closely involved in every step. I know exactly how our products are made, and every bag passes through my hands. I have also built a good relationship with Abide and Kokou, so it’s very nice to work together in a positive environment. It’s truly a collaborative effort where everyone simply enjoys being involved. Let’s turn on some music and get going!

Building this collaboration was not easy. I faced challenges and setbacks along the way, but they only strengthened my dedication to our products and partnerships. We have created a great time around us, and it’s incredibly rewarding to see our vision come to life.


The colors arriving for the summer of 2024 are some of the most beautiful we have ever had, and I am incredibly proud of them.

You can stay updated on our latest collection and upcoming fabrics by following @woodandcricket. You’ll also get a behind-the-scenes look at how the collection is crafted in Togo. We’d love for you to take a look and follow us!